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Friday, 12 June 2020

Community Development Programme

Date of the event: 21/3/2020
Location of the event: Udupi
Organisers: Dept of Commerce & Management


As our Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modiji on March 19th 2020 urged Indians across the country to face Corono virus Pandemic with collective determination & patience to make sure that "Humanity & Indian prevails" through Janata Curfew on 22nd march 2020 from 7.00am to 9.00pm , in this support of that Dept of Commerce & Management on behalf of Poornaprajna College conducted a 'Community Development Programme' on creating awareness about Corona Virus Pandemic among general Public.

information about Corona Virus, its symptoms, how it speads, safety measures to prevent the spreading of virus among the people , ways to improve our body immunity etc. Is given by the staff members of Dept of Commerece & Management to various people residing in Udupi city, Bailore, Shirva, Alevoor, Atrady etc. through distribution of pamphlets & urged them to stay at home on 22nd march 2020 in support of  "Janata curfew".

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