VI Semester B.B.A/B.B.M. Degree
Examination, April/May 2019
(Credit Based Semester Scheme)
(2012 Scheme)
Paper II-Elective-Advertising and Sales
3 Hours Max.
Marks: 120
1. Answer
any ten of the following in 2 or 3 sentences: (2x10=20)
a) What
is outdoor advertising?
b) Write
the meaning of sales quotas.
c) What
is AIDA model?
d) Define
e) What
do you mean by window display?
f) Write
any two objectives of a sound compensation plan.
g) What
is a jingle?
h) What
is transit media advertising?
What are sales
Write the meaning of
emotional appeal?
k) What
is full service agency?
What is advertising?
any five questions from the following in not more than 2 pages each: (8x5=40)
2. What
are the objectives of advertising?
3. Write
the importance of sales organisation.
4. What
are the essentials of a good advertisement copy?
5. Write
a note on advertising ethics.
6. Differentiate
between advertising and personal selling.
7. Write
the need to motivate the salesman.
8. What
are the factors to be considered while selecting an advertising agency?
– C
the following questions in not more than 6 pages each: (20x3=60)
9. a) Define advertising. Analyse the benefits of
advertising to various sections of society.
b) Identify different
methods of training salesmen.
10. a)
Evaluate the qualities of a successful salesman
b) Explain the methods
of measuring effectiveness of advertising.
11. a)
What are the objectives of sales forecasting? (10)
b) Case study:
a malt chocolate milk drink, was manufactured by a large MNC. The product was
launched in the Indian market in 2000 after a successful test market in Mumbai
and Bangalore. It was a brown coloured powder packaged in 500 gm. glass jars.
Its refill packs were also available. Consumer acceptance of the Brand was good
and the sales kept on growing till 2010, reached to highest and started
How ‘Chocovit’ can
compete with major players? (5)
What promotion strategy
would you suggest to popularise this product? (5)
VI Semester B.B.A/B.B.M. Degree
Examination, April/May 2018
(Credit Based Semester Scheme)
(2012 Scheme)
Paper II-Elective-Advertising and Sales
3 Hours Max.
Marks: 120
1. Answer
any ten of the following in two or three
sentences: (2x10=20)
a) What
is ‘Intuitional Advertising?
b) What
is outdoor advertising?
c) Give
the meaning of sales forecasting.
d) Who
are sandwichmen?
e) What
is ASCI?
f) Who
is a pioneering salesman?
g) What
are sales territories?
h) State
any two methods of controlling salesman.
What is meant by client
What is a fear appeal?
k) Who
is an ‘account executive’ in the advertising agency?
Who is a ‘prospect’ in
personal selling process?
any five questions from the following in not more than two pages each: (8x5=40)
2. Explain
the different factors determining allocation of advertising budget.
3. What
are the essentials of a good advertisement copy?
4. Explain
the different ways of remunerating advertising agencies.
5. What
is pre-testing? What are the different methods of pre-testing advertising copy?
6. What
is sales organisation? What are the functions of sales organisation?
7. What
are the merits and demerits of direct advertising?
8. Explain
the different types of advertising agency.
– C (20 marks each)
9. What
are the different methods of allocation of advertising budget?
What is advertising
media? Explain the different forms of outdoor advertising with their relative
merits and demerits.
10. What
is the need to motivate salesman? Explain the important methods of motivating
What are the objectives
of training salesman? Explain the different methods of training salesman.
11. a) What
are the factors to be considered while selecting an advertising agency? (10)
b) Case study:
Tata Motor delivered 250
Tigor Electric Vehicles (EV) on 14 Dec. 2017 on the occasiiion of National
Energy Conservation Day to state run Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL)
as a part of their initiative to procure 10,000 electric vehicles.
Commenting on the
occasion, Guenter Butschek, CEO and M.D, Tata Motors, said “ This initiative of
Government of India to procure electric vehicles is a bold step interms of
promoting green and sustainable transport solutiions. We at tata motors are
extreemly proud to be the part of this project and are supportive of
Government’s transformational vision of auto electrification in India, with
Tigor EV we have begun our journey in boosting e-mobility and will offer a full
range of electric vehicles to Indian customers.
This tender has
effectively paved way for connection our aspirations in the e-mobility space
with the vision of the Government.
The Tigor EV is a full electric,
zero emission ‘style back’ that comes with a stunning, break-free and
revolutionary design, set to build on the existing passenger vechicles
portfolio of Tata Motors specific to the EESL order. The tigor EV will be
delivered in three trim variants-Base, premium and high will be available in
‘pearlescent white’ colour with blue decals. Over the basic requirements of the
tender, the Tigor EV, across the
variants, would have FATC (Fully Automated AC) to provide maximum comfort to
its occupants. Equiped with a single speed automatic transmission, the Tigor EV
will also allow customers to enjoy the driving experience, maximised efficiency
and seamless acceleration. The electric
drive systems for the Tigor EV is
developed and supplied by Electra EV – a company established to develop and
supply electric drive systems for th eautomotive sector.
1) Suggest a suitable
advertising campaign for the company which is committed to the Government
vision for electric vehcles by 2030 to facilitate faster adoption of electric
vehicles and to build a sustainable future India. (5)
2) What is your unique
selling proposition? Why? (5)
Credit Based Sixth
Semester B.B.M. Degree
Examination, April/May 2017
(2012 Scheme)
Advertising and Sales Management
3 Hours Max.
Marks: 120
SECTION-A (2 marks each)
1. Answer
any ten of the following in two or three
sentences: (2x10=20)
a) Define
b) What
is outdoor advertising?
c) Write
any two limitations of advertising?
d) What
do you mean by advertising appropriation?
e) Who
is a creative director?
f) What
do you mean by prime time?
g) What
is a rational appeal?
h) What
is a “Inquiry Test”?
What are sales
Who is a pioneering
k) What
are sales quotas?
What do you mean by “
Sales Management?
SECTION- B (8 marks each)
any five questions from the following in not more than two pages each: (8x5=40)
2. What
are the factors determining allocation of advertising budget?
3. Write
a note on advertising ethics?
4. What
are the factors to be considered while selecting an advertising agency?
5. Explain
the different methods of agency compensation.
6. Describe
the importance of sales organisation.
7. What
are the essentials features of sound remuneration plan?
8. What
are the different methods of controlling salesman?
– C
the following questions in not more than 6 pages each: (20x3=60)
9. Define
advertising. Explain the benefits of advertising to various sections of
Explain the different
forms of outdoor advertising and evaluate its merits and demerits.
10. Explain
the methods of measuring effectiveness of advertising.
What are the contents
of good training programme to the salesman?
11. a)
“A sales organisation is like a power station”. Describe. (10)
b) ABC Pvt. Ltd. Has been in diversified
activities of business like textiles, chemicals, electronics and
pharmaceuticals. Recently the company has decided to diversify its business
into software field. Previously it was marketing only physical goods, but today
it has decided to enter the service sector. It has decided to manufacture
travelling software and market the software in English and other regional
languages of India.
Suggest suitable
advertising campaign for the product. (5)
Which media do you
recommend to promote the company’s product? Why?(5)
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