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Company Law - VI SEM B.B.A



April/May 2019

SECTION A (2 Marks each)

1.Answer any 10 of the following

a) What do you mean by Chartered Company?

b)What is Dormant company?

c) What do you mean by Table A?

d.Name two Public Documents of a company

e. Give the meaning of Sweat Equity Shares

f. Who is a Benami Holder of Shares?

g. Who are the First Directors of the Company?

h. Who can appoint a Secretary of a Company?

i. What is meant by Motion?

j. Who is a Liquidator?

k. Give the meaning of the Agenda of the Meeting?

l. What is a Transmission of Shares?


SECTION B ( 8 marks each)

Answer any Five of the following ( 8 marks each)

2. Explain the Effects and Exception to the Doctrine of Ultra Vires.

3. What are the special provisions Governing the Allotment of Shares?

4. Distinguish between Shares and Stocks

5. Explain the Case Soloman V/S Soloman

6. Explain the Features of the DEMAT Account?

7. Explain Different Types of Resolutions?

8. Explain the Clauses of Memorandum of Associations?


SECTION C (20 marks each)

Answer the following

9. Define the Term Company, Explain its Characteristic Features


Explain the Whole Process of Formation of a company

10. Define Prospectus, What are the Legal Provisions of an Act to issue the Prospectus? Briefly explain the contents of Prospectus


Who is a Member of a Company? Explain the Modes of acquiring membership and also explain the Termination of Membership


11. Describe the Kinds of Company Meetings


Who is a Company Secretary? Explain the Qualifications and Duties of a Company Secretary?




April/May 2018

1. Answer any 10 of the following

a. What do You Mean by “Agenda of Meeting”?

b. What is a statutory company?

c. What is a preliminary contract?

d. What is meant by Intra-vires?

e. What do you mean by Article of Association?

f. Give the meaning of transmission of shares?

g. What is Demat Account?

h. What is the ‘Golden Rule’?

i. What is meant by the minutes of the meeting?

j. What do you mean by “Interim Dividend”?

k.What do you mean by the issue of Shares at par?

l. What is buyback of shares?


SECTION B (8 marks each)

Answer any Five of the following (8 marks each)

2. Write a note on “Doctrine of Ultravires”

3. What are the special privileges of a private company?

4. Explain the legal points involved in the case “Soloman V/S Soloman”.

5. Explain the clauses of Memorandum of Association.

6. Distinguish between Preference shares and Equity Shares.

7. Write a note on types of Resolution.

8. What are the Duties of a Company Secretary?

SECTION C (20 marks each)

Answer the following

9. When does a Private Company become a public company? Distinguish between private company and public company.


What do you mean by Lifting the corporate Veil? Explain the different circumstances in which lifting the corporate veil is done.

10.Who is a promoter? Explain the steps involved in the promotion stage, functions, legal status, Duties and liabilities of promoter.


Distinguish between member and shareholder. Explain the modes of acquiring membership and termination of membership.

What is Company Meeting? Explain the essential requisites of a valid Company Meeting.


11.Who is Director? Explain the powers, Duties and liabilities of Director.




April/May 2017

1. Answer any 10 of the following

a. What do you understand by a ‘Proxy’?

b. What do you mean by holding company?

c. Give the meaning of pre-incorporation contract.

d. Name two public document of a company.

e. What do you mean by ‘Indoor Management’?

f. What is Red-herring prospectus?

g. Give the Meaning of “Sweat Equity”

h. What is a Demat Account?

i. Give the Meaning of Register of Members.

j. What do you understand by “DIN”?

k. What do you mean by Forfeiture of shares?

l. Who is a Liquidator?

SECTION B ( 8 marks each)

Answer any Five of the following (8 marks each)

2. Explain the case Soloman V/S Soloman and Company Limited.

3. Explain the Effects of Ultra Vires transaction and exception to the doctrine of Ultra Vires.

4. Distinguish between preference shares and equity shares.

5. Distinguish between ordinary resolution and special resolution.

6. Explain the qualification of a company secretary.

7. Describe the features of DEMAT account.

8. Write a note on Government Company.

SECTION C (20 marks each)

Answer the following

9. Briefly explain the features of Joint Stock Companies and explain the differences between public company and private company.


Who is a promoter? Explain the functions, Legal status, Duties, rights, liabilities of promoter with effects of pre-incorporation contracts.


10. Who is a member of company? Explain the modes of acquiring membership and who can be members?                                                                               OR

Who is a company director? Explain the duties and Liabilities of directors.


11. Explain the shareholders’ meeting and board meeting.

Explain the voluntary winding up of company with legal provisions.

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