Credit based VI semester B.Com degree BCMCMC 361
April/May 2018
Batch onwards)
Corporate Law
hours Max.Marks:120
any four questions: (4X6=24)
1. State
the facts and judicial decisions in the case of “Daimler company Ltd Vs
Continental Type and Rubber Company”.
2. Classify
the companies based on the registration.
3. SBI
the meaning and importance of prospectus.
4. Who
is Promoter? What are his functions?
5. What
are the contents of register of members? State the importance of register of
6. Write
a note on Proxy.
any four questions (4X12=48)
7. What
is Memorandum of Association? Briefly
explain its causes.
8. What
is corporate veil? Explain the circumstances under which it is lifted.
9. What
is buy-back of shares? Explain the provisions of the Companies Act with regard
to buy back of shares.
10. Explain
the legal rules relating to allotment of shares.
11. Explain
the various methods by which membership of a company is terminated.
12. List
out the various duties of company director.
any two of the following (2X24-48)
13. Define
a joint stock company. Explain the characteristics of a joint stock company.
14. Explain
the rights and liabilities of member of a company.
15. Explain
the various duties and liabilities of company secretary.
16. Explain
the requisites of company general body meetings.
Credit based VI semester B.Com
degree BCMCMC 361
April/May 2017
Batch onwards)
Corporate Law
hours Max.Marks:120
Answer any four
questions: (4X6=24)
1. State
the facts and judicial decisions in “Ashberry Railway Carriage Co. v/s Riche”.
2. Write
a note on qualifications and disqualifications of company Directors.
3. What
is share certificate? Explain the provisions regarding the issue of share
4. Write
a note on Private Company Ltd.
5. Differentiate
between transfer and transmission of shares.
6. What
is register of members? Share the contents of register of members.
Answer any four
questions (4X12=48)
7. Define
a joint stock company. Explain the characteristics of a joint stock company.
8. What
is meant by Doctrine of Indoor Management? Narrate the exceptions to this
9. What
is buy-back of shares? Explain the provisions of the Companies Act with regard
to buyback of shares.
10. Explain
the different stages of the formation of a company.
11. Explain
various methods by which membership of the company is acquired.
12. List
out the various duties of company secretary.
Answer any two of the
following (2X24-48)
13. What
is the corporate veil? Explain the circumstances under which it is lifted.
14. What
is memorandum of association? Explain briefly its causes. Distinguish between
memorandum and articles.
15. Explain
the requisites of company general body meetings.
16. Explain
the legal rules relating to allotment of shares.
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