A Career in Chartered
Date: 10th August,
Platform: Google Meet
Resource person: Apoorva Osta,
Asst. Professor, Dept. of Commerce & Management
No. of Beneficiaries: 250
The Department of Commerce &
Management in its attempt to inspire and encourage students to take up more
professional courses, organized a talk on ‘Career in Chartered Accountancy’ on
10th August, 2021 at 3 PM over Google Meet platform. Chartered
Accountancy is one of the esteemed professional courses and has great value and
potential job opportunities. Joining CA course rewards a student with through
knowledge of the principles of accounting, business law, economics, taxation
and other subjects relating to Accounts and Finance streams.
The resource person discussed in
detail about the CA course, the various levels of CA exam, the syllabus and
pattern for exam and tips and tricks to prepare for the exam. The students were
further motivated to have the right attitude towards the course. The Students’
were informed about the CA Foundation coaching provided in the college. The
talk ended with students’ interaction and doubts clearing.
The program was attended by the I
year students of B.COM and BBA.
Google meet links: https://meet.google.com/nde-wpwj-zap